Pre-Order Our New Book!

April 9, 2024 Jamie Notter

The wait is finally over! Our latest book, Culture Change Made Easy: See Your Hidden Workplace Patterns and Get Unstuck, is now available for pre-order (Kindle only) and it will be automatically sent to your device on the launch date of April 30. It’s $9.99 and you can order it here.

We are really excited about this book. This is our first opportunity to share our original culture research with the world. Specifically, we dig into four major culture patterns that we pulled out of our data:

  • Awkward collaboration
  • Lagging transparency
  • Heavy agility, and
  • Incomplete innovation.

Inside these patterns lie competing commitments that make it harder for your culture to deliver in these important areas. Then we share some stories from organizations who managed to change the pattern and get unstuck, as well as our comprehensive model for changing culture.

See also  Culture Change Made Easy Book: Unraveling the Mystery of Culture Patterns

The organizations that change their culture the fastest will win in today’s environment. Pre-order your copy today so you can get started on your culture journey!

Jamie Notter

Jamie is a co-founder and culture strategist at PROPEL, where he helps leaders create amazing workplace cultures that drive greater performance and impact. He brings thirty years of experience to his work designing and managing culture, and has specialized along the way in areas like conflict resolution and generations. Jamie is the co-author of four popular business books, including the award-winning Non-Obvious Guide to Employee Engagement, and his fall 2023 release, Culture Change Made Easy. He holds a Master’s in conflict resolution from George Mason and a certificate in Organization Development from Georgetown, where he serves as adjunct faculty.